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The island of Dhigurah is in the Atoll of South Ari (also known as Alif Daal Atoll), about 100 km from the airport and the capital - Male. The length of the island of Dhigurah (in translation from Divehi - a long island) is about 3 kilometers, and the maximum width is only 250 meters.

Dhigurah island is a fishing village with a population of about 600 inhabitants who are engaged in fishing, woodworking and boat building. In the village there are two schools and a kindergarden, a hospital, a number of shops, souvenir shops and Island Office - an information center. The village is in the head part of the island (about 500 meters), the remaining 2.5 kilometers is occupied by the equatorial forest. On both sides of the island is a beach, the length of almost the entire length. Being on the one hand Dhigurah, you can admire the sunrise, and on the other – the sunset.

Near the island (a narrow part of it) there is a sandbank, where picnics and romantic dinners are often organized. It can be reached by foot or by boat.

The South Ari Atoll (Alif Daal) is widely known for its beautiful underwater world. This is one of the few places in the world where you can see a large number of whale sharks (harmless to humans as they only eat planctons), rare sea turtles, giant rays (manta rays), colorful fishes and colorful congestions of coral reefs at arm's length. Here live fish-needle, fish-napoleon (can grow up to two meters), parrotfish, all kinds of grupers, reeds, clowns, morays ... more than 1000 species of fish and other marine creatures - corals, stars and mollusks. Dhigurah island is officially marked with more than 30 diving-points, and the island has its own dive center. Training with PADI certification, trips and underwater tours, often combined with rest on an island or a picnic, occur continuously throughout the year.

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+371 2000 29 05 WildMaldives